Atsumi Kiyoshi, famous for his role in Torasan, stars as Aoki Goichi, a veteran train conductor who dedicates himself in providing quality service to his passengers. With his many years of experience, he never fails to find solutions for any troubles that occur along the way. A comedic drama revolving around the lives of those who ride the express train.
Masaharu Segawa | Director |
Masahiko Iimura | Director of Photography |
Kazuhiko Yamaguchi | Assistant Director |
Fumio Soda | Editor |
Chūji Kinoshita | Original Music Composer |
Hiroshi Ookawa | Executive Producer |
Kazuo Funahashi | Screenplay |
Tadayuki Komatsu | Sound Recordist |
Hideo Motomochi | Lighting Technician |
Hiroshi Kitagawa | Art Direction |