HBO Comedy Half-Hour is a stand-up comedy television series of specials by various comedians, usually live from The Fillmore in San Francisco, with the format of a single comedian presenting a routine for the full half hour. The series ran on HBO from 1994 to 1999. Comedians who appeared on the show include Louis CK, Janeane Garofalo, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Dave Attell, Gilbert Gottfried, Bobcat Goldthwait, Patton Oswalt, Norm MacDonald, Margaret Cho, Laura Kightlinger, David Cross, Steve Harvey, and many others.
Ron Barr | Editor |
Nancy Lesser | Publicist |
Steve Harvey | Writer |
Michael E. Stokes | Producer |
Mara Mikialian | Publicist |
Bruce Ryan | Production Design |
Quentin Schaffer | Publicist |
Chuck Vinson | Director |
Tobe Becker | Publicist |