Shokichi, the owner of the clothing store, lives with his daughter Hideko and plans to open an art gallery. One day, Hideko led a handsome art student, Shohei and a poor painter, Sohei. Sohei’s painting was praised by a great printer at the completion ceremony of the art gallery. Since he became successful as a painter, but he looked quite indifferent. Around the same time, Shohei’s sister brought Sohei’s pictures to the gallery and Shokichi noticed that she was a daughter of his first love.
Masanori Tsujii | Editor |
Takashi Matsuyama | Art Direction |
Kō Nakahira | Director |
Sankichi Ôhashi | Screenplay |
Yasuo Iwaki | Lighting Technician |
Masayuki Takagi | Producer |
Masakazu Kamiya | Sound Recordist |
Toshirō Mayuzumi | Original Music Composer |
Sei Ito | Original Story |
Yoshihiro Yamazaki | Director of Photography |