M2M's first original long-form documentary, Battle at Versailles, follows an event in 1973 at Palace of Versailles where top French designers such as Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Cardin faced of against American newcomers Oscar de la Renta, Bill Blass, Anne Klein and Halston. That pitted France’s best designers against the best America had to offer. It was the first time the fashion world's gaze was fixated on American design.
Susan Hootstein | Executive Producer |
Paul Carruthers | Editor |
Jeff Frez-Albrecht | Music Editor |
Bethann Hardison | Consulting Producer |
Rose Stevenson | Associate Producer |
Michael Antinoro | Executive Producer |
Brooke Gibson | Associate Producer |
Will Staeger | Executive Producer |
Peter Franchella | Cinematography |
Michael Bozzo | Additional Photography |