In Japan, scientifically advanced invaders from the war-destroyed planet Mysteroid cause an entire village to vanish, then send a giant robot out to storm the city by night, after which they request a small patch of land on Earth and the right to marry earthling women, claiming to be pacifists. Mankind must decide whether to capitulate or to resist.
Ishirō Honda | Director |
Jôjirô Okami | Story |
Tomoyuki Tanaka | Producer |
Akira Ifukube | Original Music Composer |
Hajime Koizumi | Director of Photography |
Kôichi Iwashita | Editor |
Kaeko Sakamoto | Casting |
Teruaki Abe | Production Design |
Eiji Tsuburaya | Special Effects |
Masanobu Miyazaki | Sound Recordist |