Mike Hoolihan is an unconventional New Orleans cop investigating the murder of renowned astrophysicist Jennifer Rockwell, a black hole expert found shot to death in her observatory. As Mike tumbles down the rabbit hole of the disturbing, labyrinthine case, she finds herself grappling with increasingly existential questions of quantum mechanics, parallel universes, and exploding stars. The hunt for a killer draws a detective into an even larger mystery: the nature of the universe itself.
Claire Skowronek | Production Manager |
Ashley Wright | First Assistant Director |
Kat Hess | Second Assistant Director |
Justin Meriwether | Leadman |
Alejandra Tovar | Assistant Property Master |
Keith Wall | Assistant Property Master |
Holly O'Quin | Stunts |
Shannon Jantz | Costume Supervisor |
Darren Crisp | Production Coordinator |
Ruth Kesler | Production Coordinator |