In the winter of 2117, a runaway vehicle crashes into the Public Safety Bureau Building. The driver is identified as Izumi Yasaka, a psychological counselor at the Sanctuary, a Latent Criminal Isolation Facility in Aomori Prefecture. But right before her interrogation, Inspector Mika Shimotsuki and Enforcer Nobuchika Ginoza are tasked with promptly escorting Yasaka back to Aomori. What awaits them there is a False Paradise.
Ryo Yoshigami | Screenplay |
Shuichi Kusamori | Art Direction |
Fumi Morihiro | Producer |
Yoshikazu Iwanami | Sound Director |
Masaya Saito | Producer |
Shingo Nakamura | Supervising Animation Director |
Hisashi Abe | Character Designer |
Hiroaki Sano | Music Producer |
Yoshinori Murakami | Editor |
Akitoshi Mori | Producer |