The film tells the story of Bruno, who drives his motor scooter through the streets of Buenos Aires, making deliveries to the premises of "Extraordinary Objects" of his uncles. His friends wait for him to start the weekend but an unexpected accident with a relative changes his plans. Bruno starts a weekend of adventures, which will involve a scientist, a girl with unusual beauty, a group of aliens who love human flesh and an eccentric modern artist.
Néstor Sánchez Sotelo | Executive Producer |
Bernardo Bronstein | Continuity |
Daniela Giménez | First Assistant Director |
Federico Peña | Production Manager |
Eduardo Alvarez | Producer's Assistant |
Roy Elfenbaum | Production Assistant |
María Belén Dono | Administration |
Pablo Parés | Camera Operator |
Mariano Suárez | Additional Camera |
Jerónimo del Castillo | Focus Puller |