"The Uppsala Kidnapping" - A black comedy centered on the real events of the kidnapping that became a viral phenomenon with millions of live followers. Inspired by actual events occurred in Uppsala during Christmas 2011. In a desperate attempt to solve his economic problems Josef Esfarander, a medical student, plans to kidnap a law student from a wealthy family, assisted by his girlfriend Shirin and a credulous friend from high school. Josef strongly believes he achieved the perfect plan, but contrary to all his expectation the carrying out of the kidnapping becomes a farce.
Sonia Maggioni | Producer |
Sofia Hallgren | Musician |
Anders Skog | Writer |
Anders Skog | Director |
Mikael Flodell | Associate Producer |
Björn Palmberg | Musician |
Jo Eken Torp | Director of Photography |
Henrik Andersson | Production Manager |
Samuel Schulthess | Visual Effects |
Anders Skog | Executive Producer |