In this French comedy, the young adult children of working-class Arab immigrants living in the projects of suburban Paris endeavor to find a suitable cultural identity. The story centers on four young men in their 20s: Farida, who tries to live according to family traditions; his rebellious sister Souad, who wants to be as Westernized as possible and works at a fast-food outlet; her ex-boyfriend, Jean Luc, who wants to be an immigrant lawyer; and his friend Moussa. The film is comprised of brief incidents from their lives.
Malik Chibane | Writer |
Alice Lary | Editor |
Christiane Lebrima | Casting |
Marc-Antoine Beldent | Sound |
Stéphane Thiébaut | Sound Mixer |
Edmée Doroszlai | Script Supervisor |
Sabine Claverie | Costumer |
Pablo Rosenblatt | Camera Operator |
Renaud Chassaing | Camera Operator |
Veronique Picart | Property Master |