A ship runs aground on a mysterious atoll leading to an investigation by insurance representative Kusanagi, who discovers an ancient bead that he gives to his daughter Asagi. Meanwhile, ornithologist Nagamine investigates reports of a new species of large bird named Gyaos. As the Gyaos begin to attack, an ancient guardian with a bond to Asagi emerges.
Shusuke Kaneko | Director |
Kazunori Ito | Writer |
Miyuki Nanri | Line Producer |
Shinichi Fushima | Visual Effects Editor |
Toshio Miike | Visual Effects Designer |
Hajime Matsumoto | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Isao Tomita | Assistant Editor |
Akihiko Okase | Sound Effects |
Hiroshi Kidokoro | Visual Effects Camera |
Kenji Takama | Assistant Director of Photography |