Upon their arrival in Flat Oak for a semi-centennial celebration, renowned shootist Mance Dixon and his friend Clabe run into a surviving victim of a vicious vigilante group known as The Tramplers. Offering her protection once in town, matters become complicated when a con artist posing as a mythologic killer lends his services to a large cattle baron heading the hired killers. After further run-ins with a demented family and a trio of scalphunter brothers, all roads lead back to Flat Oak for an inevitable massacre that will forever alter the fate of the once-peaceful town.
David Lambert | Writer |
Michael Fredianelli | Director of Photography |
Stan Szeto | Still Photographer |
Bryan Wilks | Sound Recordist |
Blaine Santos | Sound Recordist |
Joseph Paul | Costumer |
Michael J. Gwynn | Production Assistant |
Mitch Covington | Original Music Composer |
Michael A. Martinez | Visual Effects Supervisor |
James Allen Brewer | Supervising Sound Editor |