Marko, an aspiring filmmaker, is unable to pursue a career in horror films. He ventures into the porn industry, but his unorthodox style fails to impress producers. Frustrated, he assembles a crew of junkies, homosexuals and transvestites and starts a traveling live porn show. Soon a shady producer appears, he will pay them real money if they are willing to start making snuff films for him.
Jelena Mitrović | Producer |
Srdan Golubović | Producer |
Maja Miloš | First Assistant Director |
Nikola Bižić | Assistant Editor |
Vesna Teodosić | Costume Design |
Marko Milović | Visual Effects |
Milan Stojanović | Production Manager |
Janja Lončar | Music |
Igor Kljajić | Script Supervisor |
Vladan Ivanov | Property Master |