The story begins when the Lupinrangers, Kairi, Touma, and Umika, are kidnapped by someone mysterious. The Patrangers are then tasked with an Abduction Case to find the missing thieves, where they run into the Kyuranger team as they pass through space. Just who exactly kidnapped them? And why did the 12 Kyurangers return to space?
Kosuke Yamashita | Music |
Masato Hisa | Character Designer |
Saburo Yatsude | Original Series Creator |
Shingo Osawa | Cinematography |
Koichi Yada | Producer |
Akihiro Fukada | Producer |
Kazuyasu Sugami | Assistant Director |
Riichi Seike | Action Director |
Hiroshi Butsuda | Special Effects Coordinator |
Hiroshi Takaki | Music |