Mia, who lends her voice to a Japanese Anime super heroine, finds reality and fiction to be interlacing more and more. Suddenly, Mia can see electricity, leap off rooftops and save people’s lives. But as Mia’s superpowers grow, so does her awareness of looming danger. Just as in the Kimiko anime, hostile powers are planning a massive electric blackout to destroy the city, maybe even humanity itself. And while Mia tries to save everybody from the imminent crisis, it's her own stability which seems to be put at stake.
Fridolin Körner | Editor |
Hannes Hubach | Director of Photography |
Uwe Kolbe | Co-Producer |
Dagmar Gabler | Writer |
Dries Phlypo | Co-Producer |
Ingo Ludwig Frenzel | Music |
Angela Christlieb | Writer |
Stefan Schubert | Co-Producer |
Nicole Gerhards | Producer |
Luci Van Org | Writer |