The film presents the story of Robert - an aging, once-recognized artist who is today struggling with his own complexes and vices, and helplessness towards a new reality that ruthlessly throws him to the margins of existence. One day Robert finds himself in a roadside ditch hit by a dog's car. In a reflex of spontaneous compassion, he takes the dog home and begins to look after him.
Andrzej Kostenko | Director |
Ewa Chudzik | Digital Intermediate |
Witold Leszczyński | Writer |
Zbigniew Wichłacz | Director of Photography |
Jarosław Migała | Digital Intermediate |
Małgorzata Przedpełska-Bieniek | Music Consultant |
Jerzy Satanowski | Original Music Composer |
Malgorzata Ajzelt | Costume Design |
Jerzy Satanowski | Conductor |
Ewa Tarnowska | Interior Designer |