Five short movies, linked by an animation, inspired by the life and work of Amos Guttman, the director from Transylvania who was a pioneer in Israeli gay cinema and died from AIDS in 1993. Produced by Tel Aviv Film Festival, it is a mixture of different styles and genres and is directed by six film-makers. In the last moving episode Kati Guttman celebrates his son, who passed away twenty years ago, and also recalls for the first time his own deportation to the Nazi death camps.
Yoav Inbar | Editor |
Eric Raphael Mizrahi | Producer |
Yuval Artzi | Editor |
Ronny Almog | Director |
Gil Sima | Producer |
Natalie Yaniv | Editor |
Guy Akiva | Assistant Director |
Sivan Levy | Director |
Emil Ray | Director |
Stephanie Abramovich | Director |