The short film tells the story of Natasha, a young woman of dual nationality who, after years living with her mother in Riazan (Russia), is looking for an opportunity to earn money in Portugal. Natasha becomes a waitress and, as time goes by, encounters Pub’s economic difficulties and poor pay for her work. Enticed by her colleagues, she ends up making decisions that will condition her future.
Tatiana Monteiro | Writer |
José Marinho | Music |
Miguel Magalhães | Camera Operator |
Bernardo Bourbon | Sound Mixer |
Luís Mota | Visual Effects |
Valentina Caetano | Producer |
Vasco Trabulo Bäuerle | Cinematography |
Tatiana Monteiro | Director |
Sílvia Sanahuja | Art Direction |
José Marinho | Sound Director |