An anthology film consisting of three linked stories by different directors, all set on an Okinawan island. The first story, 'Aunt Reiko' concerns an opera singer who travels back to her home island to consult a spiritualist about the loss of her voice. The second story, 'Haruko & Hideyoshi' concerns an outsider to the island who is tricked into marrying an island girl after visiting the island god of fertility with her. The final story, 'Bomb Kids' concerns two kids in a punk band who set out to win (or steal) a large amount of money. Linking these stories is the ongoing search for an unexploded WWII bomb, a large model pineapple, and the possibility of a hotel development coming to the island...
Tsutomu Makiya | Director |
Yuji Nakae | Director |
Hayashi Toma | Director |
Rinken Teruya | Original Music Composer |
Tsutomu Makiya | Writer |
Haruhiko Daishima | Producer |
Fumio Wauke | Production Design |
Osamu Takizawa | Sound |
Masafumi Ichinose | Director of Photography |