High school student Aoi Aioi lives with her elder sister, Akane, after a tragic accident took their parents away 13 years ago. Because Akane has since been taking care of her single-handedly, Aoi wants to move to Tokyo after her graduation to relieve her sister's burden and pursue a musical career, inspired by Akane's ex-boyfriend Shinnosuke "Shinno" Kanamuro. Shinno was part of a band until he left for Tokyo to become a professional guitarist after the sisters' parents passed away, and he was never to be seen again.
Masaru Yokoyama | Original Music Composer |
Miyuki Kuroki | Second Unit Director |
Tatsuyuki Nagai | Second Unit Director |
Shinnosuke Awano | Production Assistant |
Munehiro Kakuda | Production Assistant |
Akira Nagata | Production Assistant |
Koji Maruoka | Key Animation |
Masaru Sato | Background Designer |
Bui Minh Phuoc | Background Designer |
Huynh Ngoc Long | Background Designer |