Aani Maani is a game popular among little children in Uttar Pradesh, played by turning around while reciting a popular rhyme. The circling motion is likened to that of the Sufi dervish. When the government announces a ban on beef, and the shutting down of slaughterhouses, it wreaks havoc in the family life of a lower middle class, Muslim kebab seller called Bhutto and sends his world spinning.
Neeraj Pandey | Co-Producer |
Suboor Khan | Associate Producer |
Neel Guha | Associate Producer |
Shailendra Sahu | Director of Photography |
Parmanand Kumar | Editor |
Shivdeep Tiwari | Editor |
Samin Raza | Music |
Jason Fernandez | Music |
Girish Ramteke | Sound Designer |
Fahim Irshad | Writer |