Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur is a 1980 animated film based on the popular manga and anime series, Doraemon. It was released in 1980, one year after the premiere of the TV series (making it the first feature-length Doraemon film). The movie was released in Japan 15 March 1980. In 2006 the movie was remade.
Hiroshi Fukutomi | Director |
ShÅhei Kawamoto | Art Direction |
Katsuji Misawa | Director of Photography |
Akira Ookuma | Sound Director |
Yasuo Uragami | Sound Director |
Sankichiro Kusube | Producer |
Soichi Bessho | Producer |
Goichi Kudo | Assistant Art Director |
Junji Kasahara | Background Designer |
Masahiro Itou | Background Designer |