In a small town in 1970s West Germany, Stephanie is raised by two parents who have no business having children. The mother suffers from an unspecified medical condition—one both mental and physical. The father makes it clear that he has no patience for his daughter. Young Stephanie takes solace in exploring the mysteries hidden away in the increasingly untidy house, particularly the trunk full of her grandfather’s butcher’s equipment; older Stephanie takes far more sinister comfort in the tools found therein.
Sabrina Mertens | Director |
Sabrina Mertens | Writer |
Jan Fabi | Director of Photography |
Jan Fabi | Associate Producer |
Thomas Lechner | Line Producer |
Sabrina Mertens | Executive Producer |
Vera Paulmann | Supervising Producer |
Ole Ohlendorf | Original Music Composer |
Jonathan Rösch | Original Music Composer |
Marco Rottig | Editor |