Mysterious Heroes centers around Lau Tien, master of the deadly 13-Sword Style. Thrown into prison by a group of jealous enemies, the 13-Sword Style is rarely spoken of, let alone seen, until 20 years later, when a second swordsman going by the name of Lau Tien proves to be the world's second 13-Sword expert. Action-packed martial arts chaos ensues when the enemies of the original Lau Tien vow to destroy his successor
Chan Sau-Chung | Martial Arts Choreographer |
Liu Han-Ping | Producer |
Pan Wei-Kun | Producer |
Wong Hung | Assistant Director |
Fang Yi-Hsia | Script Supervisor |
Lai Wen-hsiung | Cinematography |
Yun-Chiang Shang | Lighting Director |
Lee Lung-Yue | Lighting Coordinator |
Ku I | Costume Design |
Huang Yung | Costume Design |