The story begins in 1991. At Sheremetyevo Airport, a part of the state loan - one million dollars - was stolen. The young investigator Konstantin Gromov was assigned to investigate this case. However, in hot pursuit, he fails to find the robbers. For a long time, Gromov lives with a feeling of professional defeat. But one day, after more than 25 years, the hero attacks the trail of criminals. Gromov could not even imagine how complicated the story is behind the stolen money.
Yulia Baeva | Writer |
Efim Lyubinskiy | Director of Photography |
Yevgeniya Romanova | Line Producer |
Aleksey Shelygin | Music |
Aleksandr Zhulkov | Production Design |
Ivan Shchyogolev | Director |
Leonid Prokofev | Editor |
Efim Lyubinskiy | Producer |
Marina Bolshakova | Executive Producer |