In a picturesque village deeply rooted in tradition, a grieving widower Unni (Jayaram) struggles to move on after the mysterious death of his wife (Shari)—a tragedy his family blames on an astrological mismatch in their horoscopes. When a modern family from the city moves back to the village, his childhood friend (Sithara) re-enters his life, bringing a glimmer of hope and companionship. Encouraged by their families and the stars aligning through a trusted astrologer, the two are married. However, their newfound happiness is shattered when a shocking revelation comes to light.
Suresh Unnithan | Director |
A K Lohithadas | Screenplay |
Mani Shoranur | Story |
Shammi Thilakan | Assistant Director |
Indrans | Costume Design |
ONV Kurup | Songs |
B. Lenin | Editor |
V. T. Vijayan | Editor |