The plot revolves around the rehearsal of the play “Excitement” in which Freindlikh is to play a famous American writer from New York. The actress and director have heated debates about the eccentric character. They discuss the process of creation, its mysterious mechanisms, the birth of a work of art in general. They also talk about the world around Alisa outside the theatre – her family, home, friends, interests and her beloved St. Petersburg. The film is meant to commemorate the great Russian actress’s 85th anniversary.
Denis Klebleev | Screenplay |
Sergey Vasilyev | Line Producer |
Anton Batagov | Original Music Composer |
Yuliya Batalova | Editor |
Alexander Prokofiev | Visual Effects Editor |
Daria Danilova | Editor |
Denis Klebleev | Director |
Denis Klebleev | Editor |
Alla Nykvist | Line Producer |
Telman Akavov | Producer |