The short film portrays the everyday life of San Mateo del Mar through the story of a family of fishermen, weavers, and merchants in a narrative that blends documentary and fiction. The film thus captures, from the perspective of its members—and specifically through a young female lens—various aspects of the Ikoots people's society and culture, as well as how they wished to document and share them with the outside world.
Teófila Palafox | Editor |
Cecile Laversin | Production Assistant |
Alberto Becerril | Production Assistant |
Teófila Palafox | Director of Photography |
Justina Escandón las Casas | Writer |
Teófila Palafox | Writer |
Justina Escandón las Casas | Editor |
Juana Canseco Silva | Editor |
Teófila Palafox | Director |
Justina Escandón las Casas | Sound |