“Eine Almhütte für Zwei” tells an unusual love story: two adults who have remained mentally at the level of children are expecting children. While the happy couple - played by Tom Beck and Anna Drexler - are looking forward to their happy family, the environment makes it extremely difficult for them. Their relatives and advisors are not only concerned with the question of whether they will be able to bear their responsibility, but also with their personal interests.
Annina Goldfuß | Costume Design |
Sylvia Leuker | Idea |
Franziska Ganzer | Production Design |
David Reichelt | Original Music Composer |
Tobias Ulrich | Casting |
Dunja Campregher | Editor |
Benedikt Röskau | Screenplay |
Sascha Schwingel | Editorial Staff |
Thorsten Harms | Director of Photography |
Felix von Poser | Producer |