In the finale to the "Personal Trainers" series, Sebastian Bonnet's consummate talents as a taskmaster are on display just as much as theabilities of the freshmen. Sebastian, joined by Dano Sulik and Brandon Manilow, puts a giffed group of studlets through their paces, drilling them over and over until they know how to have white-hot sex on camera. In the end, each of them received a solid "A+" for his performance.
Mel Roberts Jr. | Editor |
Mel Roberts Jr. | Post Production Coordinator |
Ron Thomas | Editor |
Marty Beavins | Editor |
Marty Beavins | Camera Operator |
B.K. Sun | Music |
George Duroy | Producer |
Mark Russos | Camera Operator |
Lukas Ridgeston | Camera Operator |
Christian Bisset | Assistant Editor |