Melanie is a new pupil at the Otto Leonhard High School, and Felix takes a real shine to this newbie, much to the annoyance of Ella and Felix’s gang. They believe that Melanie is responsible for a number of small thefts that have been happening at the school since she arrived. Events take a drastic turn when the class goes on a school trip...
Peter De Maegd | Co-Producer |
Dirk G. Engelhardt | Line Producer |
Tom Hameeuw | Co-Producer |
Karin S. de Boer | Head of Production |
Corinna Mehner | Producer |
Konstantin Seitz | Line Producer |
Marcus Kanter | Director of Photography |
Anne Kathrin Dern | Original Music Composer |
Carolin Dassel | Producer |
Leonie Deriemaeker | Production Assistant |