Julien, a 30-year-old Parisian businessman, lives in the 16th arrondissement with his young boyfriend, Giacomo in Anges et demons (Angels and Demons). The couple live in perfect harmony until one summer evening when Julien, leaving the office, decides to take a quick detour through the Bois de Boulogne and cruise before going home where Giacomo is waiting for him. A sudden series of unanticipated events is set in motion, which turns the next twenty-four hours of the young couple's life upside-down.
François Orenn | Director |
Xavier Dorca | First Assistant Camera |
Joel Roulleau | Music |
Thomas Lizon | Steadycam |
Manuel Fernandez | Producer |
Romain Roulleau | Music |
François Orenn | Music |
Ivy Flo | Editor |
François Orenn | Writer |
Jean-Daniel Cadinot | In Memory Of |