The infamous Don Juan Tenorio, a reckless and charming libertine, engages in various amorous exploits and challenges morality in his pursuit of pleasure and conquest. A wager between Don Juan and his rival Don Luis Mejía is established, laying the groundwork for a contest of seduction and moral defiance. "Don Juan Tenorio" by José Zorrilla is a dramatic play written in the mid-19th century, renowned as a classic of Spanish literature.
Ramón Moreno | Producer |
Jaime Queralt | Set Decoration |
Matías Montero | Costume Design |
Goyo | Makeup Department Head |
Manuel Hidalgo | Second Assistant Art Director |
Pilar S. Muro | Dresser |
Federico Carpintero | Sound |
José A. Galindo | Music |
Gustavo Pérez Puig | Director |
Gustavo Pérez Puig | Writers' Assistant |