Based on J.M. Barrie’s beloved tale about the boy who wouldn’t grow up, this heartwarming musical dazzles with a score written by George Stiles and lyrics by Anthony Drewe—the award-winning songwriting duo behind Broadway’s smash hit Mary Poppins. Sail away on a high-flying journey with Peter, Wendy, John, and Michael to the enchanted world of Neverland—but beware of Captain Hook and the ticking crocodile.
Amber Mak | Director |
George Stiles | Writer |
Kory Danielson | Music Director |
Greg Hofmann | Lighting Design |
Anthony Drewe | Writer |
Jeff Kmiec | Set Designer |
George Stiles | Original Music Composer |
Anthony Drewe | Lyricist |
Willis Hall | Writer |
Richard Jarvie | Makeup Designer |