Aicha, a Tunisian mother gifted with prophetic dreams, lives in the isolated north of Tunisia with her husband Brahim and young son Adam. The family lives in anguish after the departure of the eldest sons Mehdi and Amine to the violent embrace of war. Months later, Mehdi unexpectedly returns home with a pregnant wife in tow. Mehdi's arrival triggers old wounds and a darkness that threatens to consume the entire village.
Mohamed Attia | Props |
Mohamed Attia | Set Dresser |
Asma Babba | Assistant Makeup Artist |
Mohamed Ilyes Dargouth | Production Manager |
Azza Annabi | Second Assistant Director |
Imene Ghazouani | Third Assistant Director |
Houcem Slouli | First Assistant Director |
Youab Dachraoui | Set Dresser |
Aymen Labidi | Sound Recordist |
Hakim Medassi | Boom Operator |