FCUK (Father, Chitti, Umaa, Karthik) is an adult comedy that revolves around the lives of its lead characters played by Jagapathi Babu, Baby Saharshitha, Ammu Abhirami and Ram Karthik. How Chitti affects the life of everyone around her forms the tale.
Jeevan Babu | Original Music Composer |
Run Jashuva | Fight Choreographer |
J K Murthy | Production Design |
Karunakar Adigarla | Dialogue |
Vidya Sagar Raju | Choreographer |
Bheems Ceciroleo | Original Music Composer |
Vidya Sagar Raju | Director |
Lakshmi Venugopal | Public Relations |
Vidya Sagar Raju | Writer |
Kishore Maddali | Editor |