Four new Banshee Squad Members join the Hong Kong Police Academy to undergo training supervised by Madam Wu. Their personalities don't click with the current Squad Members, resulting in petty arguments and duels. However, they later make peace with one another as they join the Tiger Squad Members, supervised by Inspector Kan, to undergo new training courses together and combine forces to take down a band of terrorists.
Wellson Chin Sing-Wai | Director |
Oliver Wong Yui-Man | Art Direction |
Peter Cheung Yiu-Chung | Editor |
Lee Man-Choi | Screenplay |
Cheung Yiu-Cho | Director of Photography |
Abe Kwong | Screenplay |
Jackie Chan | Producer |
Sherman Chow Gam-Cheung | Original Music Composer |
Noel Quinlan | Original Music Composer |