Based on a true incident, this tells the story of a troubled young man who kills his sister's reactionary, violent and abusive husband and is eventually arrested for the murder. However, the dead husband happened to be a member of the Italian nobility, and the trial starts to turn into more of a prosecution of the defendant's socialist politics and the activities of his father, a well known liberal social reformer, than the actual crime itself.
Mauro Bolognini | Director |
Onelio Millenotti | Assistant Costume Designer |
Vincenzo Tonini | Assistant Editor |
Sergio Bazzini | Screenplay |
Carlo Fabris | Administration |
Luciana Fastelli | Assistant Hairstylist |
Mauro Sacripanti | Unit Manager |
Manlio Urbani | Boom Operator |
Pascal Vidal | First Assistant Director |
Giulio Battiferri | Camera Operator |