The story revolves around Bebe (Santiago Bal) and Cacho (Tristan), two typical neighborhood boys who live different misfortunes in their constant search to conquer women. Bebe is half a blackmail and thinks he knows how to do them all, while Cacho is more shy and in love. Unexpectedly Bebe finds herself facing a relationship that advances faster than she thought, and that is why she decides to ask for some advice from her rogue neighbor, Don Carmelo (Darío Vittori), a veteran punguista who is in a couple with a beautiful woman much younger. Thus the plot is taking place between entanglements, alleged infidelities and an imminent marriage that no one expected.
Enrique Cahen Salaberry | Director |
Héctor Báilez | Producer |
Norberto Aroldi | Writer |
Fernando Siro | Writer |
Buddy Mc Cluskey | Music |
Hector Collodoro | Director of Photography |
Serafín Molina | Editor |
Jorge Gárate | Editor |