Lúcia is a renowned police investigator. At age 50, has dedicated her entire life to her profession and is a respected name among her peers. Everything changes during an investigation, a writer that was writing the memoir of one of the drug trafficking lord, and had his phone tapped illegally by Lúcia, is assassinated and she is under investigation by her superiors. At the same time, she finds out she has Alzheimer.
Pedro Peregrino | Director |
Newton Cannito | Writer |
Thiago Dottori | Writer |
Daniela Busoli | Executive Producer |
Antônio Irivan de Souza | Line Producer |
Leonardo Lessa Lopes | Executive Producer |
Luiz Eduardo Soares | Story |
Joana Collier | Editor |
Fabricio Tadeu | Director of Photography |
Tiago Marques Teixeira | Art Direction |