Written and directed by LA-based filmmaker Jordan Blady, Heist! is a supernatural adventure inspired by French caper films of the early 1970s, especially Jean-Pierre Melville’s Le Cercle Rouge. Dubbed in French, Heist! is three minutes of stylish comedy that never takes itself too seriously.
Jordan Blady | Director |
Jordan Blady | Writer |
Nutsa Zangurashvili | Assistant Director |
Sandro Gabilaia | Executive Producer |
Shalva Leluashvili | Lighting Technician |
Sylain Canaux | Colorist |
Daniel Rota | Production Design |
Beka Kharasishvili | Lighting Technician |
Miriam Iakobashvili | Production Design |
Fima Chupakhin | Score Engineer |