Vinod, Shyam, Arjun, Sajith and Jannath are friends residing in Bengaluru. They live, eat and party together and share a beautiful bond. At times, they pull brutal pranks on their besties like that of making one wear a funny superhero costume on their birthday night and taking him to the pub. Will these pranks become serious or will it remain laugh it out loud?
Justin Varghese | Original Music Composer |
Shyju Khalid | Producer |
Gokul Das | Art Direction |
Deepu Joseph | Editor |
Mashar Hamsa | Costume Designer |
Sudharmman Vallikkunnu | Production Controller |
Ronex Xavier | Makeup Artist |
Arun Kiranam | Still Photographer |
Vicky Rk | Sound Designer |
M. R. Rajakrishnan | Sound |