In this live-action musical comedy, Baby Huey, the lovable seven foot tall duckling, is taken in by a caring little boy named Nick and his kind but surprised family. A sinister scientist and a mean Las Vegas producer want Baby Huey for themselves, but they don't know what a little boy, a caring community, and a baby bird that's bigger than all of them is capable of.
Stephen Furst | Director |
Daryl Busby | Teleplay |
Matty Simmons | Teleplay |
Pam Leonte | Script Supervisor |
Laura Lee Connery | Stunts |
Don Cinderella | Leadman |
Casey Hallenbeck | Set Decoration |
Hank Baumert | Stunts |
Dean Raphael Ferrandini | Stunt Coordinator |
Cole McKay | Stunts |