After a comet disrupts the rain cycle of Earth, the planet has become a desolate, barren desert by the year 2033. With resources scarce, Kesslee — head of the powerful and evil Water & Power Corporation, the de facto government — has taken control of the water supply. Unwilling to cower under Kesslee's tyrannical rule, a pair of outlaws known as Tank Girl and Jet Girl rise up, joining the mysterious rebel Rippers to destroy the corrupt system.
Rachel Talalay | Director |
Tedi Sarafian | Screenplay |
Tom Astor | Producer |
John Watson | Producer |
Pen Densham | Producer |
Gale Tattersall | Director of Photography |
James R. Symons | Editor |
Merritt Yohnka | Stunts |
Gwynn Turnbull Weaver | Stunts |
Gregg Smrz | Stunts |