Ishwar Sakshi is a Hindi drama starring Ankita Srivastava, Sandeep Bhansali, Chandan Madan and S.M. Zaheer. A father Seth Haridas (Zaheer) promises to marry off his daughter Jyoti (Srivastava) to a young man Madhav (Madan) with the statue of Lord Vishnu (Bhansali) as the witness. Later, he goes back on his word and Madhav appeals to the Lord for help.
Deepakk Sunil Prasadh | First Assistant Director |
Amit Jha | Writer |
Rahul Shrivatsav | Editor |
Arati Prasad | Executive Producer |
Manoj Rai | Executive In Charge Of Production |
Rajesh Prasad | Music |
Jatinder Sharma | Cinematography |
Vikrant Rai | Producer |
Sunil R. Prasad | Director |
Radhakant Patro | Production Manager |