Kamel Raoui, a young police inspector in Tanger, investigates the murder of drug-dealer Hakim Tahiri. The victim's mistress Touria, just living for her fatally-ill younger brother Pipo, is considered the main suspect, so Kamel learns more and more about their hard life circumstances. During the observation, the sexually-confused Kamel falls in love with the young woman, but realizes the imminence for Touria and Pipo too late.
Nabil Ayouch | Director |
Jean-Pierre Guérin | Co-Producer |
Joël David | Director of Photography |
Aida Diouri | Costume Design |
Zoubeir Benbouchta | Writer |
Nabil Ayouch | Writer |
Nathalie Bialobos | Casting |
Itaf Benjelloune | Production Design |
Vanessa Zambernardi | Editor |
Béatrice Caufman | Producer |