In a bustling Mexican household, seven-year-old Sol is swept up in a whirlwind of preparations for the birthday party for her father, Tona, led by her mother, aunts, and other relatives. As the day goes on, building to an event both anticipated and dreaded, Sol begins to understand the gravity of the celebration this year and watches as her family does the same.
Lila Avilés | Director |
Vanessa Campos | Makeup Designer |
Mariana Lavaniegos Puebla | Second Assistant Director |
Eliu González Gómez | Property Master |
Siobhan Flynn | Producer |
Kattia Calero Aráoz | Art Department Coordinator |
Yair Ponce | Production Manager |
Laura Elizabeth Ruiz Diaz | Associate Producer |
Blanca Jacqueline Vallejo | Makeup Artist |
Antonio Aguilar | Boom Operator |