The film tells the story of a tomboyish Ilocano lass from Ilocos Norte, Thelma (Maja Salvador) whose family is beset with challenges when she discovers her uncanny gift of speed. Her talent then opens doors for her – to elevate her family’s situation and change the course of her own life. But to do that she will have to run- against all obstacles, against personal hindrances, against shadows from her past, and against her own self-doubts. Will she ever accomplish her dream as a successful athlete?
Paul Soriano | Director |
Paul Soriano | Screenplay |
Froi Medina | Screenplay |
Rino Que | Story |
Melba Dela Cruz | Line Producer |
Albert Michael Idioma | Sound Engineer |
Samantha Chavez Que | Executive Producer |
Rino Que | Executive Producer |
Maja Salvador | Producer |
Archie Castillo | Music |