An unexpected encounter with an unfamiliar woman rouses Marlene, a young single mother, from her unsatisfying routine. Inspired by the provocative verve shown by her new friend, Marlene takes a plunge into the unknown. Is this what a life without children and obligations could look like? But during Marlene’s quest for freedom, piecemeal images from her childhood begin to intrude more and more, reawakening a repressed childhood trauma.
Naira Cavero Orihuel | Writer |
Naira Cavero Orihuel | Director |
Karl Kürten | Director of Photography |
Chiara Strickland | Music |
Daniela Schramm Moura | Editor |
Gines Olivares | Editor |
Gregor Kuhlmann | Producer |
Vincent Schaack | Producer |
Adrian Nehm | Producer |