Vijay, a failed but talented film director starts selling Kondapalli toys made by his sculptor parents to make a living. He falls in love with Hassini, the daughter of a rich landlord and a businessman Organic Venkataramana, who gets furious when he comes to know Hassini’s relationship with Vijay. When Munikonda offers Vijay a chance to direct, Vijay lands in desperate situation to prove himself to win over his dream, love and life.
S.V. Krishna Reddy | Dialogue |
K. Atchi Reddy | Producer |
Ravi Kumar Bhaskarabhatla | Lyricist |
Kalyan C | Producer |
C. Ramprasad | Director of Photography |
Chandrabose | Lyricist |
S.V. Krishna Reddy | Story |
S.V. Krishna Reddy | Director |
S.V. Krishna Reddy | Screenplay |
Prawin Pudi | Editor |